CV - Giovanni Ferrami
You can download my complete CV here, or keep scrolling to see the short CV
--- Education ---
PhD in Astrophysics The University of Melbourne | |
Master in Physics Università degli Studi di Milano | |
Bachelor in Physics Università degli Studi di Milano | |
--- Research Interests ---
gravitational lensing, galaxy formation & evolution, stellar dynamics, dark matter
--- Selected publications ---
      G.Ferrami & J.S.B. Wyithe |
MNRAS (2025) 537, p.779–787 |
      G.Ferrami & J.S.B. Wyithe |
MNRAS (2024) 532, p.1832-1848 |
      galaxy luminosity function ,       G.Ferrami & J.S.B. Wyithe |
MNRAS Letters (2023) 523, p.L21-L25 |
      Abell S1063 and MACS J1206.2−0847 ,       G.Ferrami; Bertin, G. ; Grillo, C. ; Mercurio, A. ; Rosati, P. |
A&A (2023) 676, A66 |
--- Observing Programs as Principal Investigator ---
      MUSE time on VV191 to constrain the dark matter profile, stellar IMF, and dust attenuation. |